Thursday, May 13, 2010

Sai Inspires - 12th May 2010

In the garden of the Heart, you must plant and foster the Rose of Divinity, the Jasmine of Humility and the Lily (Champak) flower of Generosity. In your medicine chest, you must keep in readiness, the tablets of discrimination, drops of self-control and three key powders: Faith, Devotion and Patience. Through the use of these drugs, you can escape the serious illness called Ajnana (Ignorance).

Di taman hatimu, engkau harus menanam dan memupuk mawar Ketuhanan, melati kerendahan hati serta bunga lily (champak) kemurahan hati. Dalam lemari obatmu, engkau harus siap siaga, tablet diskriminasi, setetes pengendalian diri dan tiga bubuk utama dari keyakinan, pengabdian, dan kesabaran. Melalui penggunaan obat-obatan tersebut, engkau dapat melepaskan diri dari penyakit serius yang disebut Ajnana (kebodohan).

-Vidya Vahini, Chapter 8.

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