Friday, February 18, 2011

Sai Inspires - December 10, 2010

The process of living has the attainment of the Supreme as its purpose and meaning. The "Supreme" means the Atma, the Divine Self who is present everywhere. Many great people have directed their intelligence towards the discovery of the omnipresent Atma and succeeded in visualising that Divine Principle. There is plenty of evidence of the successful realisation of the goals placed before themselves by preachers, pundits, aspirants and ascetics, when they tried earnestly to pursue them.

Proses hidup memiliki pencapaian Agung sebagai tujuan dan makna kehidupan. "Yang Agung" berarti Atma, Tuhan yang hadir di mana-mana. Banyak orang-orang hebat telah mengarahkan kecerdasan mereka menuju penemuan Atma dan berhasil memvisualisasikan Prinsip Ketuhanan. Ada banyak bukti-bukti pencapaian kesadaran yang berhasil dicapai oleh para pendeta, pundit, .pencari spiritual, dan pertapa yang sungguh-sungguh berusaha untuk mengejarnya.

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