Friday, September 19, 2008

Sai Inspires 19th September 2008 ( What are the two weapons that we must use to stay in the Divine Path?)

Remember the sword of Prema (Love) has to be kept in the sheath of Viveka (Wisdom). The indriyas (senses) have to be rigorously controlled by Viveka and Vairaagya (discrimination and detachment), the twin talents given exclusively to man. Viveka instructs you how to choose your avocations and your associates. It tells you the relative importance of objects and ideals. Vairaagya saves you from too much of attachment and injects a sense of relief, at times of elation and despair. They are the two wings that hold before you the impermanence of the world and the permanence of the Bliss of Reality. They prompt you to direct your lives towards spiritual saadhana and the never failing contemplation of the Glory of the Lord.

Ingatlah selalu bahwa 'pedang' Prema (cinta-kasih) harus disimpan di dalam 'selongsong' Viveka (kebijaksanaan). Panca indera harus selalu terkendali oleh Viveka dan Vairaagya (kemampuan diskriminatif dan ketidak-melekatan). Viveka memberi instruksi bagaimana engkau memanfaatkan waktu luang serta bagaimana memilih teman pergaulan. Ia memberitahumu seberapa pentingnya suatu obyek ataupun idealisme tertentu. Sementara itu, Vairaagya menyelamatkanmu dari kemelekatan yang berlebihan serta memberikan ketenangan ketika engkau sedang mengalami pasang-surut kehidupan. Kedua-duanya (Viveka dan Vairaagya) bagaikan sepasang sayap yang mengingatkanmu atas ketidak-permanennya dunia ini. Mereka juga berfungsi sebagai pendorong agar engkau mengarahkan kehidupanmu di jalan spiritual (saadhana) serta senantiasa berkontemplasi terhadap kemuliaan Tuhan.

- Divine Discourse, July 22, 1958.

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