Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Sai Inspires 15th July 2008 ( How should we broaden our attitude and what should be the firm belief behind all our actions?)

Develop largeness of heart. The heart is not a physical organ. It derives its name "Hridaya" (in many Indian languages) from the fact that it is a seat of daya (compassion). Develop compassion for all. Go forward from the narrow feelings of "I" and "mine" to "We" and "Ours". It is not easy to comprehend the formless, attributeless, infinite Divine. The truth of the Divine has to be discovered and experienced by each one. The Divine is Omnipresent. You must lead a life of truth and godliness based on this conviction.

Lapangkanlah hatimu. Yang dimaksud dengan hati di sini bukanlah organ fisik (jantung), melainkan "Hridaya" yang merupakan tempat kedudukan daya (welas-asih). Artinya: berwelas-asihlah terhadap semuanya. Transformasikanlah perasaan "ke-aku-an" menjadi "we" dan "ours" (kebersamaan). Memang tidaklah mudah bagimu untuk memahami tentang Divine yang tak berwujud, yang tak beratribut serta yang serba infinite (tak terbatas). Kebenaran tentang Divine harus ditemukan serta dialami oleh setiap orang. Divine bersifat Omnipresent. Engkau harus menjalani kehidupan kebenaran dan berke-Tuhan-an berdasarkan atas keyakinan tersebut.

- Divine Discourse, June 22, 1987.

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